The 14th King’s Hussars amalgamated with the 20th Hussars in Cologne, Germany on 1st October 1922, to form the 14th/20th Hussars. In 1936 whilst in Lucknow, India, they were re-titled the 14th/20th King’s Hussars.
After the First World War it was clear that the role of the cavalry would be less important in war. Regiments were amalgamated rather than disbanded, to keep alive the traditions and honours of all that had preceded them. The Army was reduced from 31 regiments of cavalry to 22. The eight junior cavalry regiments, including the 20th Hussars, were warned in late 1921 for disbandment. By the end of 1921, the majority of the men and officers of the 20th Hussars had been drafted to the 3rd and the 11th Hussars. The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Little, and 6 other members of the Regiment were left to wind up the regiment’s affairs. However, in January 1922 the War Office decided that it wished to preserve the identities of the junior regiments in order to be able to reinstate them if required for future conflicts. One squadron of 20th Hussars would be retained, amalgamated with the 14th King’s Hussars and continue to wear its own uniform. Accordingly, the 20th Hussars became A Squadron of the 14th/20thHussars at the amalgamation on 1st October 1922 in Cologne, and continued to wear the 20th Hussars’ cap badge. The Prussian Eagle, which had been removed in 1914 was reinstated in 1926, although it did not become officially authorised until 1931.
The tradition of A Squadron as the 20th Hussar Squadron lives on; A Squadron Leader 14th/20th King’s Hussars wore the 20th Hussar capbadge during The 1st Gulf War.