New Museum Assistants – Collections Management and Marketing & Fundraising

18 March 2024

In the ever-changing world of museums and heritage, we have expanded our team to encompass two new positions. As of this month we are welcoming James Fenton and Angel Drinkwater as our new museum assistants. Â

For those of you acquainted with the Winchester Military Museums, James will be a familiar face, having previously worked at The Rifles Museum before its amalgamation into the Green Jackets. He will now be working as our Collections Assistant. Within this role James is helping with the accession of objects and documents into the museum’s archive. This includes the cataloguing of the recently acquired 14th/20th Hussars collection. James will also be assisting in the general upkeep and management of the Museum; delivering educational sessions for visiting schools, as well as manning the front desk in our gift shop.Â

Angel Drinkwater comes to us by way of the University of Winchester. Having graduated this last year with a BA Hons in History and English Literature, she is keen to develop a career within the heritage field. Angel will be focusing on managing our social media pages, keeping you all up to date with the latest news, as well as highlighting exciting, and sometimes lesser known, aspects of our expansive collection. In the future, she will also aid in the fundraising department as we prepare for refurbishment to create space for the 14th/20th collection. Â

We are excited to welcome both James and Angel to the museum, they are sure to be a great asset to our team! Â

Recent Acquisition – Regimental Cartoons

22 March 2023

Since the beginning of the tear the museum has had a number of very welcome donations to the collection. This includes 3 sketches by ‘T. P. Chapman’, possibly Thomas Philip Chapman, a Private of the 10th Royal Hussars who served in the late 19th Century. Believed to have been drawn in the 1890s they truly capture the spirit of the regiment!Â

More of T. P. Chapman’s fantastic cartoons can be seen on The British Empire website here: 
10th Hussar Cartoons

If you have any items relating to the King’s Royal Hussars or its predecessors then please get in touch!Â

HorsePower Museum is awarded Full Accreditation

We are delighted to announce that HorsePower Museum has completed our re-accreditation process and received Full Accreditation as part of the Arts Council England Accreditation Scheme.

Administered by Arts Council England on behalf of the UK Accreditation Partnership, Accreditation is the benchmark for well-run Museums and Galleries.  It means that HorsePower is properly managed and governed to the nationally agreed industry standard and shows the museum takes proper care of its collections, sharing them with visitors and keeping them safe for future generations.

Accreditation opens up exciting funding opportunities, allows museums to host touring exhibitions and gives access to professional advice and support. It also gives confidence to donors and sponsors who may wish to support the museum in preserving heritage and inspiring future generations.

Accreditation covers museums of all types and sizes – from the smallest volunteer-run museums to national museums – and more than 1,700 museums are currently taking part in the scheme across the UK.

More information about the Accreditation scheme can be foundhere.