The 11th Hussars took part in operations in Libya in 1941.  The Battle of Sidi Rezegh was fought from 18th November to 7th December 1941.

During 26th November, 6th New Zealand Brigade captured Sidi Rezegh after a night assault.  The 7th Armoured Division Armoured Car Regiments, including the 11th Hussars, advanced their line of patrols and when night fell they had reached the Trigh Capuzzo road.  On the left the 11th Hussars fought a successful action and knocked out three enemy tanks and eighteen lorries from a column near Bir el Gubi.

On 27th November, the patrol line of the Armoured Cars was advanced further west.  During the progress of a large Axis force along the Trigh Capuzzo road they narrowly missed overrunning the combined Headquarters of the two British Corps.  It was only due to the efforts of some of B Squadron, 11th Hussars, assisted by tanks from the 22nd Brigade, that this mass of Headquarter vehicles was able to get away unmolested.

During the night of 27th November a patrol of the 11th Hussars discovered that the survivors of the huge enemy column had leaguered very close to the supply columns of the New Zealanders, but fortunately the latter were warned in time before the German tanks moved off.

On 28th November, 1941, 22nd Armoured Brigade withdrew South Eastwards and made contact with 4th Armoured Brigade on its right.  The two brigades then formed a line facing North Westwards towards an enemy column which had been reported by 11th Hussars to consist of 70 enemy tanks and Mechanised Transport.