Troop Sergeant Major Kilvert postcard


Printed by Culverlands Press, Winchester.

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Postcard of a portrait of Troop Sergeant Major John Ashley Kilvert, 11th Hussars (PAO), which is displayed in HorsePower Museum. He rode in the famous Charge of the Light Brigade on 25 October 1854 and in later life he was Mayor of Wednesbury.

He later recalled his part in the charge where he was badly wounded:

‘I was in the second line and as we careered down the valley and shot and shell were flying about like hailstones, it was only the pace of the horses, that carried us through at all. I don’t think if it had been a body of infantry, that a single man could have reached the bottom of the valley’.

Additional information

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 150 × 106 mm