The 14th/20th Hussars travelled by train from Italy to Germany to join the Army of Occupation.

In July 1945, the 14th/20th Hussars moved to Chiavari, near Genoa and converted to an armoured car regiment. The regiment were employed on internal security duties, which left them sufficient spare time to indulge in sport; sailing, riding, football, rugby against the 6th South African Division and skiing at Madonna di Campiglio. But the Occupation of Germany soon called and the regiment boarded trains in February 1946 via Milan to Luneberg and thence to Wuppertal in The Ruhr, Germany, to join the Army of Occupation. En route, the trains passed through Calais, the nearest the regiment had been to England in 15 years.

Life in the Army of Occupation was very different from that which the 14th Hussars had experienced in Cologne in 1918. Food and fuel were very short and rationed. For instance, one real egg per person per month was the egg allowance, otherwise powdered egg was used. Families were allowed to join their menfolk.