The 14th/20th Hussars deployed as an all arms Battlegroup.
No one part of the Armed Forces can fight in isolation from other arms. The 14th/20th Hussars had in support O Battery (The Rocket Troop) 4th Field Regiment Royal Artillery. Armed with 155mm howitzers, they provided instant fire support for the 14th/20th throughout operations. The Battery Commander, Major Andrew Gillespie, moved in his own Warrior vehicle close to the Commanding Officer 14th/20th, to provide fire support at all times. The Queen’s Company and No 2 Company of The Grenadier Guards provided the infantry backing for the tanks. At times during operations when the situation warranted it, the 14th/20th provided a squadron or more to 4 Brigade’s infantry battalions and took on one or both companies of the Grenadier Guards. This flexible process is called battlegrouping and was much practised in training before deployment.