After the success at Oporto on the River Douro, the French were pursued into Spain, where they counter-attacked.

After the success at Oporto on the River Douro, the French were pursued through the mountains into Spain. Wellington’s army was concentrated near Talavera. On 27th July 1809 the French counter-attacked the Allied cavalry and infantry in a wood by the River Alberche. The 14th were sent over the river to skirmish and protect the infantry until nightfall. In this they succeeded at a cost of two men wounded and nine horses killed.

The next day on 28th July they continued to support the infantry during a day of heavy fighting. The 14th Light Dragoons, the 16th Lancers and the 49th Regiment of Foot were brought forward and the Foot Guards advanced on the French. This was a dangerous manoeuvre, but the courage and determination of the Allies caused the French to retreat. Substantial French reinforcements forced Wellington to withdraw into Portugal and take up winter quarters.