The 14th Hussars were part of the Cavalry Brigade. General Townshend was ordered to hold Kut al Amarah.

Kut withstood constant Turkish bombardment throughout the winter of 1915-16 although the Turks had decided to besiege it rather than attack. In a final attempt to relieve General Townshend on 5th April 1916, the 13th Division successfully attacked Turkish positions in Fallahiya but at a cost of 2,000 casualties. The 7th Division lost 60% of its strength at Sannaiyat and, on re-trying to seize the position, was wiped out. Of its original strength of 840, the Black Watch came out of the action with only 48 left. The Cavalry Brigade and the 14th Hussars, protecting the left flank along the River Tigris, had only met Turkish cavalry with no loss.

On 29th April 1916, General Townshend surrendered, with 13,259 officers, soldiers and non-combatants being taken prisoner, many of whom did not survive captivity. The decision to hold Kut had cost 40,000 casualties.