C Squadron 14th/20th Hussars and the Gurkhas charged into Medicina.

Browne’s orders to his squadron were “Let’s show them a good old cavalry charge. Fingers out and follow me!” At about 8pm in the failing light of 16th April 1945 he burst into Medicina down the main road in town, leading from the front. He destroyed a self-propelled artillery gun to his front and charged on. Exploding ammunition from the gun brought down a house behind him. He then destroyed two 88mm guns before they could fire. His tank was hit by a bazooka round and set on fire. He and his wireless operator were badly wounded and his gunner killed, but his driver and second operator who were unhurt, jumped out of the tank and attacked the house which had held the offending bazooka. They cleared the house and returned to the tank to rescue their crewmates. Major Browne got out of his turret and, though wounded, continued running the battle from the back decks of his tank under fire from snipers in the houses, refusing to leave his tank until he had been relieved by his Second Captain. The Kangaroos arrived in the main square with the Gurkhas, who drew their kukris and began hunting Germans through the burning buildings. By nightfall, Medicina was taken.

Four immediate awards for gallantry were given: Major Browne, the Distinguished Service Order; Sergeant Hall, the Distinguished Conduct Medal; Browne’s crewmen, Lance Corporal McGregor and Trooper Armstrong, the Military Medal. Two awards of the Military Cross followed.

The next day, 43rd Brigade continued its advance west to Bologna, with a hard fight at the Gianna Canal on the 18th and 19th April. A Squadron’s Kangaroo personnel carriers took the Gurkhas into the battle while the remaining tanks of the 14th/20th and A Squadron 2nd Royal Tank Regiment acted as artillery in their support. The Brigade turned north at Bologna, reaching Padua, west of Venice, by 2nd May. On this day, all German forces in Italy surrendered; on 8th May the war was over.