The 14th/20th Hussars fought their way towards the small town of Medicina.
In March 1945, 43rd Brigade was part of Polish II Corps whose mission was to break through the German defences north of the Rimini-Modena road. 43rd Brigade was to exploit the Corps’ breakthrough and destroy the road communications centre at Medicina, 17 miles east of Bologna.
The 14th/20th Hussars and the 2nd/6th Gurkhas were given the task of taking Medicina. A Squadron 2nd Royal Tank Regiment crossed the River Sillaro first and guarded the 14th/20th’s left flank. After a hard-fought river crossing, C Squadron, under Major ‘Bodge’ Browne formed an advance guard and fought its way through to within sight of Medicina. In this advance, Sergeant Henry Hall distinguished himself. His officer’s tank had been destroyed and others damaged. His tank had been hit five times and his main gun was out of action. He continued firing his machine gun until his tank was stopped by shells exploding beside it.
The light was fading fast; C Squadron, now reduced by enemy action to eight tanks, was some 2 miles (4Km) from Medicina. Lieutenant Colonel Tilney gave Major Browne the order to attack, adding “Get your whips out and go like hell!”