The 20th Hussars worked with the 14th Hussars in the 2nd Boer War.
In November 1901, the 20th Hussars were sent to South Africa. They arrived at Newcastle, some 120 miles north of Durban in early 1902. They worked with the 14th Hussars on a drive against de Wet’s commando, taking 300 prisoners. On 21st February 1902 they drove a Boer force onto the 14th who were waiting for them, dismounted and dug in. The Boers were trapped and surrendered with the loss of 65 men killed and 735 captured, along with 28,000 head of cattle. Peace was declared on 1st June 1902. Both regiments remained in the garrison until 1903 when the 14th Hussars were posted home to England, sailing from Cape Town. The ship then picked up the 20th Hussars at Durban, dropping them off at Cairo where they relieved the 11th Hussars.