Troops trained and relaxed in Iraq after the ceasefire.
There followed a period of regrouping and individual training. So many Iraqi T55 tanks full of ammunition had been recovered that the 14th/20th Hussars were able to hold a gunnery camp using T55 tanks as targets. Many VIPs visiting the regiment after the war were given a go, and took away their shell case as a souvenir. Most memorable among these was the Chief Rabbi of the US Army, who was delighted to have his first chance to fire a tank. The Band retrieved their instruments, which were flown up from Al Jubayl by the Royal Air Force; they gave an open-air concert for all ranks and guests.
A party led by Major Godfrey Tilney, the Second-in-Command, set off in Land Rovers on a battlefield tour to follow the route of the regiment during the conflict. The Commanding Officer spent a day with the Brigade Commander doing a similar tour in a helicopter. He specifically asked to visit the spot where his Battery Commander had been shot at by a T55, and was able to retrieve the offending shell case.
The main body of the regiment returned to Münster during April, followed by D Squadron a month later. There had been no fatalities in the regiment, although some minor injuries were sustained. After a period of leave, by mid-May the regiment had returned to a quieter life in Germany in the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR).