Corporal William Pain of the 14th Light Dragoons captured a standard from an Afghan cavalryman.

On 21st February 1849 the Battle of Gujerat was fought, north of the River Chenab where the Sikh forces, some 60,000 men and 60 guns were drawn up in a crescent formation. Gough planned to attack their left and left centre with the cavalry.
The line advanced at 7.30 in the morning and marched steadily across two miles of open ground, tempting the Sikh artillery to open fire too soon and give away their position, which they did. An artillery duel ensued and within two hours most of the Sikh artillery had been destroyed. The cavalry was in constant manoeuvre to stop the Sikh cavalry from outflanking Gough’s infantry, who were thus able to advance and overcome the Sikhs.

The Sikhs broke in the early afternoon and fled, discarding their weapons as they went. When the Sikh cavalry realised they were alone, they too fled north. Gough’s cavalry pursued and routed the enemy cavalry, killing many of them. Corporal William Pain of the 14th Light Dragoons captured a red silk standard from an Afghan cavalryman. The regiment did not stop harrying the fleeing enemy until dark, when they were some 15 miles beyond Gujerat. The pursuit continued towards The Khyber Pass, the Afghan cavalry avoiding capture at Peshawar.