In 1941 the 10th Hussars went to North Africa. In 1942 the 11th Hussars returned to Egypt from Iraq and Iran. Both regiments took part in the Battle of El Alamein.
The 10th Hussars were in 1st Armoured Division, arriving in Egypt at the end of 1941. They fought at the battles of Gazala (26th May to 21st June 1942) also known as Knightsbridge, Saunnu, and El Alamein (10th July to 4th November 1942).
At the Second Battle of El Alamein the 10th Hussars were equipped with two squadrons of Sherman tanks and one squadron of British-made Crusader tanks. Their task was to follow an attack by an Australian Division and the 51st Highland Division on German troops holding positions across the coastal railway line. This involved passing through thick minefields and well-prepared German positions. The attack began at 2200 hrs on the 24th October and the 10th were in the forefront of the fighting from the beginning. Their Shermans soon destroyed the enemy, and the regiment saw heavy fighting throughout the battle. One notable episode took place on 4th November, when Captain Grant Singer captured General von Thoma, temporarily commanding the Afrika Korps. Tragically Captain Singer was killed the next day. It was not until 4th November that the battle was won and the German and Italian forces finally began to withdraw. The 10th had 3 officers and 15 men killed.
The 11th Hussars, as a reconnaissance regiment mounted in Humber armoured cars, were initially tasked with assisting the 44th Home Counties Division, which was opposed by the German 21st Panzer Division and two Italian infantry divisions. They succeeded and by 26th October they were able to go back in reserve to prepare for their next action. On 31st October the 11th Hussars moved north with 7th Armoured Division to take part in the battle. Although their armoured cars were not involved in the major tank battle, they were ready to lead the breakout.