The 10th Hussars landed in Italy in May 1944, where they fought in every major battle until peace was declared a year later.

In May 1944 the 10th Hussars landed in Italy, earning special distinction on the Gothic Line at Coriano and Santarcangelo. In December 1944, the 10th came under the command of the 56th Infantry Division on the left flank of V Corps which formed part of the Eighth Army. With the onset of winter, the Allies went on the defensive to build up strength for the spring offensive. The harsh winter weather, the stiff enemy resistance and the waterlogged ground made progress difficult. Tank movement was also severely restricted due to mines and demolitions.

On 1st February 1945 the 10th Hussars deployed as three dismounted squadrons and a machine gun troop, to allow the exhausted infantry a chance to recuperate. After remounting in their tanks, in April the 10th moved to an assembly point about five miles north-west of Ravenna. As a subsidiary to the main attack, a waterborne attack supporting Commandos and 24th Guards Brigade followed at Lake Comacchio. Despite casualties, the 10th continued to advance on pontoons across flood waters and successfully crossed the River Reno.

On 15th April 1945 an unusual incident occurred to a tank in B Squadron. Sergeant Beale was in command of a Sherman tank patrolling through a treacle factory which had been bombed, leaving craters full of treacle. The tank drove into a treacly crater and the crew had to abandon the tank which was never recovered.

After a battle in the Argenta Gap, they reached the River Po north of Ferrara. By 27th April, the German forces were trapped against the south bank of the River Po. The hostilities in Italy ended on 2nd May 1945 with the German surrender.