
March 24

The founding of the regiments

The founding of the regiments

  Eight regiments of dragoons (mounted infantry) were raised to crush the Catholic Jacobite Rebellion. Originally regiments took the name of their Commanding Officer, which..Read More

June 1

Lord Mark Kerr’s Dragoons

Lord Mark Kerr’s Dragoons

              Honywood’s Dragoons were retitled Lord Mark Kerr’s Dragoons. At this time a regiment was named after the officer..Read More

June 1

Cobham’s Dragoons

Cobham’s Dragoons

  Gore’s Dragoons were retitled Churchill’s and subsequently Cobham’s Dragoons. At this time a regiment was named after the officer who had received a warrant..Read More

April 16

Battle of Culloden, Scotland

Battle of Culloden, Scotland

The regiment took part in the Battle of Culloden at which the Jacobites were finally defeated. From 1745 Cobham’s Dragoons and Lord Mark Kerr’s Dragoons..Read More

January 1

10th and 11th Dragoons

10th and 11th Dragoons

  In 1751 Cobham’s Dragoons and Lord Mark Kerr’s Dragoons were retitled the 10th Dragoons and the 11th Dragoons. During much of the 18th century,..Read More

January 1

20th Inniskilling Light Dragoons

  The 20th became known as ‘Nobody’s Own’. The 20th Inniskilling Light Dragoons were formed in 1759, during the Seven Years War. After 1746, regiments..Read More

July 31

Battle of Warburg, Germany

Battle of Warburg, Germany

  The Battle of Warburg was fought during the Seven Years War between Britain and the Hanoverians against the French. Twelve British regiments were involved..Read More

January 1

20th Light Dragoons resurrected

A day’s work for the cavalry soldier was ruled by trumpet calls, and was split between looking after his horse and riding out on patrol…Read More

January 1

14th Light Dragoons

The American War of Independence showed the need for lighter, more mobile troops. The 14th Dragoons were converted to Light Dragoons. Light Dragoons were required..Read More

January 1

23rd and 26th Light Dragoons

  The 23rd Light Dragoons and the 26th Light Dragoons were raised, renumbered and disbanded as and when the Army needed more regiments. The 23rd..Read More

June 1

10th and 11th Light Dragoons

10th and 11th Light Dragoons

                    In 1783, the 10th Dragoons were retitled the 10th, or Prince of Wales’s Own, Light..Read More

December 1

20th Light Dragoons disbanded

  The Treaty of Paris ended the American War of Independence. Return to Timeline

March 1

War with France 1793 to 1814

War with France 1793 to 1814

  In 1793 the French king, Louis XVI, was beheaded and France declared war on Britain. The conflict lasted 20 years and involved most of..Read More

April 26

Battles of Beaumont and Willems

  Two squadrons of the 11th Light Dragoons were sent to fight in France and the Low Countries, serving at Famars and Valenciennes. They saw..Read More

August 12

Battle of Montego Bay, Jamaica

  The 20th Light Dragoons were reformed again to put down a rebellion in Jamaica. The 20th or Jamaica Light Dragoons were formed again in..Read More

December 1

14th Light Dragoons to San Domingo (now The Dominican Republic)

The unrest in nearby Jamaica spread to San Domingo (now The Dominican Republic). The 14th, 18th and 21st Light Dragoons fought a successful campaign over..Read More

January 1

Marriage of Princess Frederica of Prussia to The Duke of York

Marriage of Princess Frederica of Prussia to The Duke of York

  The 14th Light Dragoons adopt the Prussian Eagle as their badge. On 29 September 1791 Prince Frederick, The Duke of York, second son of..Read More

January 1

“Royal Sussex” adopted as the Quick March of the 14th Hussars

  In 1801, while the 14th Light Dragoons were based at Canterbury, the regimental band was due to play in Dover, but were found to..Read More

May 1

Left Wing 20th Light Dragoons to Cape Town, South Africa via Brazil

  In May 1805, The Left Wing of the 20th Light Dragoons was ordered to Cape Town to assist in putting down Napoleon’s Dutch allies..Read More

May 1

Right Wing 20th Light Dragoons to the Mediterranean

Three hundred men of the Right Wing of the 20th Light Dragoons were sent for dismounted service in the Mediterranean from 1805 to 1807. A..Read More

January 1

Left Wing 20th Light Dragoons in Argentina

  The 20th Light Dragoons participated in Admiral Popham and General Baird’s expedition to Buenos Aires from 1806 to 1807. Admiral Popham and General Baird,..Read More

June 1

10th, the Prince of Wales’s Own, Hussars

10th, the Prince of Wales’s Own, Hussars

  In 1806 the 10th Light Dragoons became the first hussar regiment in the British Army, in imitation of  the famous Hungarian light cavalry.   Subsequently..Read More

January 1

Peninsular War 1808 – 1814

  The Iberian Peninsular War from 1808 to 1814, known in Spain as the Guerra de la Independencia, formed part of the Napoleonic wars, which..Read More

August 21

Battle of Vimiera, Portugal

  The 20th Light Dragoons sailed from the Cove of Cork to Portugal with Wellington’s expeditionary force. Sergeant Lansheit, leading a 20th Light Dragoons’ patrol,..Read More

December 29

Battle of Benevente, Spain

  The 10th Hussars fought the French Imperial Guard during the withdrawal to Corunna, capturing the commander of the French cavalry. Orders had been given..Read More

May 12

Second Battle of Oporto, also known as Battle of the Douro, Portugal

The 14th Light Dragoons charged retreating French Infantry. The French had withdrawn across the River Douro and burnt the bridge. The 14th crossed by ferries..Read More

July 27

Battle of Talavera, Spain

  After the success at Oporto on the River Douro, the French were pursued into Spain, where they counter-attacked. After the success at Oporto on..Read More

January 1

Captain Brotherton’s Trousers

  Captain Brotherton of the 14th Light Dragoons had to make a quick escape at night. After a hard day’s patrolling to find the French..Read More

May 3

Battle of Fuentes d’Honor, Spain

  The French advance from Salamanca towards Ciudad Rodrigo pushed Wellington back to Fuentes d’Honor, where he decided to make a stand. Ramsey’s Battery charged..Read More

August 15

Battle of El Bodon, Spain

  The first major battle for the 11th Light Dragoons in the Peninsula was at El Bodon. Lieutenant Wood was captured by the French in..Read More

September 25

Withdrawal from Carpio, Spain

  The 14th Light Dragoons witnessed an example of French Chivalry. On 25th September 1811 General Marmont launched 14 squadrons of the Imperial Guard against..Read More

March 24

Battle of Salamanca, Spain

Battle of Salamanca, Spain

  The 11th  Light Dragoons and 14th Light Dragoons fought the French at the Battle of Salamanca. The battle lasted only 40 minutes and is..Read More

August 1

Corporal Hanley’s patrol

  A Corporal’s patrol is commended by Wellington. In the pursuit of the French after Salamanca, Corporal William Hanley of the 14th Light Dragoons led..Read More

March 24

Battle of Vittoria, Spain

Battle of Vittoria, Spain

The 10th Hussars and 14th Light Dragoons fought in the Battle of Vittoria which ended French rule in Spain. The French fled, abandoning their baggage..Read More

June 21

Looting of the baggage train following the Battle of Vittoria, Spain

Looting of the baggage train following the Battle of Vittoria, Spain

  At the conclusion of the Battle of Vittoria, 21st June 1813, the French were eventually forced to flee leaving behind their baggage train, including..Read More

September 1

20th Light Dragoons in east Spain

The 20th Light Dragoons formed part of a force sent by Wellington to eastern Spain to stop Marshal Suchet from moving north with his army..Read More

April 11

Battles of Orthes and Toulouse, France

  The British Army pursued the French out of Spain and into France. After some hard fighting in the Pyrenees, in November 1813 the 14th..Read More

December 8

Battle of New Orleans, United States of America

  In 1812 The United States declared war on Great Britain. Successful campaigns against the Americans in Canada and Virginia, which included the burning of..Read More

June 18

Battle of Waterloo, Netherlands (now Belgium)

  In 1814 Napoleon abdicated and was sent into exile. The following year he escaped, assembled an army and was finally beaten at the Battle..Read More

January 1

20th Light Dragoons disbanded

After years of war against France and the United States, peace treaties were signed and the Army was reduced. The 20th Light Dragoons, being one..Read More

January 1

Siege of Bhurtpore, India

  The 10th Hussars and 11th Light Dragoons spent several long tours of duty in India protecting British trade interests and defending her frontiers. In..Read More

January 1

14th, or King’s, Regiment of Light Dragoons

  The 14th Light Dragoons were designated The King’s Regiment of Light Dragoons by order of King William IV. Following a successful inspection by King..Read More

January 1

11th Prince Albert’s Own Hussars

  Prince Albert requested that the Regiment should be retitled and adopt the crimson trousers of his family livery. The 11th Light Dragoons escorted Prince..Read More

November 22

Battle of Ramnuggur, India

  The 14th Hussars fought the Sikhs in the Battle of Ramnuggur in which their Commanding Officer was killed. In 1845, The Sikhs invaded territory..Read More

January 13

Battle of Chillianwalla, India

  The 14th Light Dragoons fought the Sikhs again in a costly battle. On 13th January 1849, the 14th Light Dragoons, with their new Commanding..Read More

February 21

Battle of Gujerat, India

  Corporal William Pain of the 14th Light Dragoons captured a standard from an Afghan cavalryman. On 21st February 1849 the Battle of Gujerat was..Read More

January 1

The Crimean War, 1853-1856

  Britain and France declared war on Russia after it attacked Turkey. Britain and France mounted an expedition to invade Russia and landed in the..Read More

September 20

Battle of Alma

  The 11th Hussars were in the advance guard of the Allied Armies, and the first to be fired upon at the Battle of Alma..Read More

October 25

The Charge of the Light Brigade

  The 11th Hussars in the Battle of Balaclava. The 11th Hussars took part in the Battle of Balaclava on 25th October 1854. The Russians..Read More

November 5

Battle of Inkerman

  At the Battle of Inkerman 5th November 1854 a surprise dawn attack by the Russian Army of 40,000 men was defeated by a much..Read More

January 1


  The 14th Light Dragoons made a fruitless expedition to Persia. In January 1857, the 14th Light Dragoons formed part of a force sent to..Read More

May 11

The Indian Mutiny

  On 11th May 1857, the Indian Mutiny had broken out and the 14th Light Dragoons immediately found themselves dispersed around the Bombay Presidency. Small..Read More

March 31

Siege of Jhansi, India

  The Rani of Jhansi, a formidable woman, held the fortress of Jhansi with 12,000 men and 40 guns. The Field Force, commanded by Sir..Read More

April 1

Battle of Betwa

  Captain James Leith was awarded the Victoria Cross for rescuing a fellow officer. On 1st April 1858, Tantia Topi was routed by General Rose’s..Read More

December 1

Battle of Ranode, India

  The 14th Light Dragoons earn the nickname of ‘The Fighting Fourteenth’ during the fighting to defeat the rebels. The 14th Light Dragoons’ last battle..Read More

December 2

Battle of Ranode (Captain Prettejohn)

  Captain Prettejohn’s cigars disappeared with his horse. Capt Richard Prettejohn of the 14th Light Dragoons had been at the head of his squadron at..Read More

May 17

20th Hussars raised again

After the Indian Mutiny the Army in India was reorganised and the 20th Light Dragoons were raised again. In August 1858, as a result of..Read More

August 17

14th (King’s) Hussars

On 17th August 1861, the 14th (King’s) Light Dragoons were re-designated as the 14th (King’s) Hussars. Return to Timeline

June 1

The beginnings of polo

  The first inter-regimental game of polo took place on Hounslow Heath between the 10th Hussars and the 9th Lancers. While on manoeuvres in Aldershot..Read More

January 1

The Second Anglo-Afghan War, 1878-1880

The Second Anglo-Afghan War, 1878-1880

  In 1878 the 10th Hussars were part of a force sent to Kabul in Afghanistan from Rawalpindi in India (now Pakistan) to restore British..Read More

June 1

The First Boer War, South Africa, 1880 – 1881

  The 14th Hussars arrived in South Africa too late for action. The 14th (King’s) Hussars were sent to reinforce the British force in South..Read More

January 1

Sudan and Egypt, 1884 – 1889

Initially the 10th Hussars and subsequently the 20th Hussars were involved in the campaign by British forces in Egypt and the Sudan during the period..Read More

February 29

Battles of El Teb and Tamai, Sudan

  The 10th Hussars, who were sailing home after 11 years in India, were ordered off their troopship in the Red Sea to join a..Read More

March 1

Battle of Suakin, Sudan

  The 20th Hussars took part in operations to evacuate British troops from Sudan to the Egyptian border from 1885 to 1889. In March 1885,..Read More

July 1

Battle of Toski, Egypt

  The last action of the 20th Hussars in Egypt was the Battle of Toski. In July 1889, a Dervish force advanced into Egypt and..Read More

January 1

The Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899 – 1902

  The British government refused the demand for independence of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, resulting in the Second Boer War. Afrikaner settlers..Read More

November 1

10th and 11th Hussars in the Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899 – 1902

In 1900 Captain Sir John Milbanke and Sergeant Henry Engelheart, both of the 10th Hussars, were awarded Victoria Crosses for rescuing comrades under fire. A..Read More

December 10

14th Hussars sail to South Africa

The Boers demanded independence for the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The British Government refused and the 2nd Boer War started. The 14th Hussars..Read More

February 15

Relief of Kimberley, South Africa

  The Cavalry Division charged with 6,000 horses to relieve Kimberley. At 2am on 15th February 1900, the advance on Kimberley started in bright moonlight…Read More

March 1

An act of Boer Chivalry

  A Boer apologised to the Regimental Medical Officer for shooting him. While on reconnaissance north of Chievely, the 14th Hussars came under heavy fire..Read More

March 3

Relief of Ladysmith, South Africa

  The 14th Hussars led the march into Ladysmith after its relief. After a slow advance, which the cavalry felt was over-cautiously led by General..Read More

March 10

The poor condition of the horses

  During the Boer war, the cavalry learned many lessons about horse-management. A week after the relief of Ladysmith, General Roberts resumed his advance on..Read More

October 13

Acts of gallantry in South Africa

  Major Brown was awarded the Victoria Cross after rescuing several soldiers pinned down by Boer artillery and small arms fire. After the fall of..Read More

January 1

The Old Comrades’ Association formed

The Old Comrades’ Association formed

  In 1901, veterans of the South African War founded what became the Regimental Association.  Regimental Sergeant Major Bradshaw and some other Non Commissioned Officers..Read More

November 1

20th Hussars to South Africa

The 20th Hussars worked with the 14th Hussars in the 2nd Boer War. In November 1901, the 20th Hussars were sent to South Africa. They..Read More

January 1

The Cavalry reorganises its equipment

  Following lessons learnt from the Boer War, changes in the arms and equipment of the cavalry were introduced. The short Lee Enfield rifle, as..Read More

January 1

Institution of the Regimental Medal

  The Commanding Officer, Col Browne-Synge-Hutchinson VC, instituted The Regimental Medal . The Commanding Officer, Colonel Browne-Synge-Hutchinson VC (formerly the Major Brown who had won..Read More

August 21

The First World War

  The first contact of the War was made by the 20th Hussars in Belgium on 21st August 1914. On 4th August 1914, Britain declared..Read More

August 23

11th Hussars during the outbreak of the First World War, France and Belgium

In 1914, the 11th Hussars were involved in the Battle of Mons at the start of the Great War, remaining in France and Belgium until..Read More

September 1

20th Hussars in the Retreat from Mons, Belgium

The British and French armies were pushed back southwards. The irresistible German advance pushed the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) southwards in a fighting withdrawal. Starting..Read More

September 6

Battle of Marne, France

  The 11th and 20th Hussars took part in a counter-attack in pursuit of the German Army. On 6th September, barely a month from their..Read More

October 19

First and Second Battles of Ypres, Belgium

  The British Expeditionary Force moved north into Belgium to take up the left flank of the now defensive armies to threaten the German right..Read More

November 1

Cavalry equipment

  A fully equipped cavalry horse carried between 100-124 kilos including the rider. Despite the lessons learned about the weight carried by the horses in..Read More

May 1

New capbadge for the 14th Hussars

By order of King George V, the 14th Hussars took off their hawk cap badges. In May 1915 King George V expressed a wish that..Read More

September 25

Battle of Loos

  The cavalry dismounted for trench warfare. General French was short of men and munitions and wished to avoid another offensive until the spring of..Read More

November 28

14th Hussars to Mesopotomia to support the Indian Expeditionary Force

The 14th Hussars embarked at Karachi and disembarked in Basra 5 days later, under orders to meet General Townshend at Azizeyah. The 14th Hussars disembarked..Read More

April 5

Relief and fall of Kut al Amara, Iraq

  The 14th Hussars were part of the Cavalry Brigade. General Townshend was ordered to hold Kut al Amarah. Kut withstood constant Turkish bombardment throughout..Read More

July 1

10th, 11th and 20th Hussars in the Battle of the Somme, France

The French and British armies attacked the German army using the River Somme as the axis of their advance. The battle cost many Allied lives..Read More

April 9

Battle of Arras, France

  Captain Darling described “the most uncomfortable night of the whole war”. In the build-up to the Battle of Arras which began on 9th April..Read More

September 29

Advance to Baghdad, Khazimain, Ramadi to Tikrit, Iraq

Advance to Baghdad, Khazimain, Ramadi to Tikrit, Iraq

  After Kut al Amara was relieved in February 1917, the British forces began pushing the Turks north, taking Baghdad and Khazimain, enlarging their influence..Read More

November 20

Battle of Cambrai, France

  Massed tanks were used for the first time in the Battle of Cambrai. The cavalry including the 10th, 11th and 20th Hussars were mounted..Read More

March 1

Withdrawal to the River Avre, France

  The German forces, reinforced by the addition of troops who had been fighting the Russians on the Eastern Front, began to push westwards in..Read More

March 23

10th and 11th Hussars at the end of the First World War, France and Belgium

Both the 10th and 11th Hussars were heavily involved in the action in northern France in 1918. In 1918, the cavalry was to come into..Read More

August 7

20th Hussars in the Second Battle of Amiens, France.

At the beginning of August 1918, the combined weight of the Allies, now including American forces, began the final advance against the German forces. In..Read More

October 28

14th Hussars to Persia

A British Military Mission was established with instructions to ‘frustrate enemy penetration in North West Persia’ with the help of Russian Cossack General Bicharakoff. The..Read More

November 11

The Armistice

  By early November, the 20th Hussars had reached the Belgian border and were still in action at the Armistice on 11th November. The 20th..Read More

July 13

20th Hussars at the Battle of Gebze, Turkey

The 20th rode the last British regimental cavalry charge in history against Turkish nationalist forces in Gebze, Turkey. The 20th Hussars returned to England in..Read More

November 1

14th Hussars to Cologne, Germany

14th Hussars to Cologne, Germany

  The 14th Hussars celebrated the 72nd anniversary of the Battle of Ramnuggur with old comrades. The 14th Hussars left Tidworth for Cologne in November..Read More

October 1

The 14th/20th Hussars

The 14th/20th Hussars

  The 14th King’s Hussars amalgamated with the 20th Hussars in Cologne, Germany on 1st October 1922, to form the 14th/20th Hussars. In 1936 whilst..Read More

April 10

Mechanisation of cavalry regiments begins with the 11th Hussars

  The 11th Hussars and the 12th Lancers were the first cavalry regiments to be mechanised when vehicles replaced their horses. The last mounted parade..Read More

January 16

Last survivor of the Battle of Ramnuggur (1848) died

  Troop Sergeant Major John Stratford, who was the last survivor of the Battle of Ramnuggur in 1848, died aged 102. On 16th January 1932,..Read More

July 1

The Arab Rebellion in Palestine

  The 11th Hussars sailed to Egypt in 1934. They were sent to Palestine in 1936 to suppress the Arab Rebellion, and remained there intermittently..Read More

December 16

14th/20th King’s Hussars

  The regiment was given the title of 14th/20th King’s Hussars whilst in Lucknow, India. Following the abdication of King Edward Vlll, King George Vl..Read More

May 30

10th Hussars mechanisation with Light Tanks

The 10th Hussars were mechanised at Tidworth with Mark IV Light Tanks and lorries. The 10th Hussars returned from India to Tidworth in 1936, and..Read More

March 31

14th/20th Hussars mechanisation

14th/20th Hussars mechanisation

The 14th/20th Hussars began to mechanise in 1938. In January 1938, the 14th/20th Hussars went out on manoeuvres on horseback in India for the last..Read More

May 1

10th Hussars in the German invasion of France

  The 10th Hussars sailed to Cherbourg in France from Southampton in May 1940.  After losing most of their tanks near Abbeville in Normandy, they..Read More

June 1

Battle of Sidi Barrani, Egypt

  The 11th Hussars were a reconnaissance regiment in 7th Armoured Division, the famous ‘Desert Rats’.   The 11th Hussars reported back details of the locations..Read More

February 6

Battle of Beda Fomm, Libya

  Lieutenant Colonel Combe, commanding officer of the 11th Hussars, was put in charge of Combe Force. Combe played a major part in the defeat..Read More

July 3

14th/20th Hussars to Basra, Iraq

  In July 1941, the 14th/20th Hussars were deployed to Basra, Iraq, to protect the oilfields from the increasingly pro-German Iraqi government. The 14th/20th Hussars..Read More

July 15

14th/20th Hussars to Persia

  From Khanikin, in Iraq, the 14th/20th Hussars crossed into Iran, where they were soon engaged in a narrow pass in the hills. From Khanikin,..Read More

August 1

14th/20th Hussars in Persia

  The Brigade Commander and Major Bob Stephen, escorted by a company of Gurkhas, drove 100 miles to Kazvin to make the first official contact..Read More

September 1

26th Hussars in India

  The 26th Hussars were raised in India in June 1941 from a cadre of personnel from the 14th/20th King’s Hussars. Lieutenant Colonel J.B. Norton..Read More

November 18

Battle of Sidi Rezegh, Libya

  The 11th Hussars took part in operations in Libya in 1941.  The Battle of Sidi Rezegh was fought from 18th November to 7th December..Read More

July 10

North Africa and the Battle of El Alamein

  In 1941 the 10th Hussars went to North Africa. In 1942 the 11th Hussars returned to Egypt from Iraq and Iran. Both regiments took..Read More

May 7

10th and 11th Hussars in North Africa

  The 11th Hussars were amongst the first troops into Tobruk, Benghazi and Tripoli. The 11th Hussars led the pursuit of the Axis forces by..Read More

October 1

14th/20th Hussars left from Basra, Iraq, for Egypt

  After a further year in Iraq, the 14th/20th Hussars moved to Burg-el-Arab, near Alexandria. After a further year in Iraq, the 14th/20th Hussars moved..Read More

May 1

10th Hussars in the Italian Campaign

  The 10th Hussars landed in Italy in May 1944, where they fought in every major battle until peace was declared a year later. In..Read More

June 9

11th Hussars in Italy, Normandy and Germany

  After a brief action in Italy, the 11th Hussars landed in Normandy in June 1944 and advanced into Germany in 1945. The 11th Hussars..Read More

June 13

23rd Hussars in North West Europe

  The 23rd Hussars were raised on 1st December 1940 from elements of The 10th Royal Hussars (PWO) and the 15th/19th The King’s Royal Hussars…Read More

January 21

14th/20th Hussars to Italy

  In 1945 the 14th/20th Hussars joined the war in Europe. At the end of 1944, the 14th/20th Hussars were at last to get their..Read More

March 1

14th/20th Hussars in Italy

The 14th/20th Hussars fought their way towards the small town of Medicina. In March 1945, 43rd Brigade was part of Polish II Corps whose mission..Read More

April 16

14th/20th Hussars at the Battle of Medicina, Italy

  C Squadron 14th/20th Hussars and the Gurkhas charged into Medicina. Browne’s orders to his squadron were “Let’s show them a good old cavalry charge…Read More

February 1

14th/20th Hussars join the Army of Occupation, Germany

  The 14th/20th Hussars travelled by train from Italy to Germany to join the Army of Occupation. In July 1945, the 14th/20th Hussars moved to..Read More

November 1

14th/20th Hussars return to England

  The 14th/20th Hussars returned to UK to become the Royal Armoured Corps Training Regiment in Catterick, Yorkshire. In November 1947 the 14th/20th Hussars returned..Read More

November 15

The kukri arm badge

  At the request of the Brigade of Gurkhas, the 14th/20th Hussars adopted the kukri as an arm badge to commemorate their close wartime association…Read More

December 1

The Cold War, British Army of the Rhine, Germany (1947 – 1989)

  During the Cold War cavalry regiments spent several long tours in Germany to discourage a Russian invasion. During the Cold War (1947 to 1989)..Read More

January 1

14th/20th Hussars move to Libya

  The 14th/20th Hussars moved to Sabratha in Libya as the Divisional Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Division in the Middle East Land Forces. The..Read More

May 1

11th Hussars in Malaya

The 11th Hussars were posted to the British colony of Malaya from 1953 to 1956 to counter the insurgency. Much of their time was spent..Read More

January 1

Desert Training

  Training took place in North Africa where Rommel had declined to go. In 1954, the 14th/20th Hussars undertook a prolonged period of training in..Read More

March 1

Back to Germany

  In March 1956, the 14th/20th Hussars were posted to Münster, Germany, as part of 20th Armoured Brigade. Since the regiment had left Germany in..Read More

April 17

10th Hussars in Jordan

In 1956 the 10th Hussars went to Jordan for a year as part of the British Garrison. Tragically a RAF Valetta taking troops back to..Read More

July 1

14th/20th Hussars relocated within Germany

In 1957, the 14th/20th Hussars were split between Hohne, Berlin, Detmold and Celle. In July 1957, the 14th/20th Hussars were posted to Hohne, near the..Read More

January 1

The end of National Service

  The 14th/20th Hussars and Lancashire forge close links as the county becomes the regiment’s main recruiting base. In 1957, the British Government began to..Read More

November 1

Aden 1960 – 1965

  The 11th Hussars were posted to Aden in 1960 to counter the insurgency. The 10th Hussars were in Aden for a year from 1964…Read More

January 1

Return to Libya

  In 1962, the 14th/20th Hussars converted to armoured cars and returned to Libya. In 1962, the 14th/20th Hussars converted to armoured cars and returned..Read More

December 26

The Cyprus Emergency

  On Boxing Day morning, C Squadron 14th/20th Hussars deployed to Cyprus. By Christmas 1963, the continual centuries-old friction between the Turkish and the Greek..Read More

January 1

14th/20th Hussars convert to tanks

The 14th/20th Hussars were posted to Tidworth for a year to convert to tanks. The 14th/20th Hussars were posted to Tidworth in Wiltshire for a..Read More

January 1

14th/20th Hussars on exercise in Libya

The 14th/20th Hussars returned to the desert in Libya for a two-month exercise. The 14th/20th Hussars returned to the desert in Libya for a six-week..Read More

July 1

14th/20th Hussars have a royal patron at last

HRH Princess Anne was appointed as Colonel-in-Chief of the 14th/20th Hussars. Having been without a royal patron since the death of King William IV in..Read More

October 25

The Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales’s Own)

  The Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales’s Own) was formed in 1969 by an amalgamation of the 10th and 11th Hussars. The amalgamation of the..Read More

November 1

The Royal Hussars in Germany during the Cold War

  During and after the Cold War The Royal Hussars spent several long tours in Germany. During the Cold War, which lasted from 1947 to..Read More

January 1

14th/20th Hussars dispersed to Hong Kong, Singapore and Tidworth

In 1970, the regiment changed to the armoured car role and dispersed between Tidworth, Singapore and Hong Kong. They retrained on Saladin, Saracen and Ferret..Read More

November 1

14th/20th Hussars in Northern Ireland

14th/20th Hussars in Northern Ireland

The 14th/20th Hussars took part in early Operations in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. In November 1970 C Squadron carried out an operational tour in..Read More

April 1

The Royal Hussars in Northern Ireland

  The Royal Hussars served on Operation BANNER in Northern Ireland during the Troubles from 1971 to 1978. Operation BANNER lasted from 1969 to 2007…Read More

September 1

14th/20th Hussars in Northern Ireland

In July 1978, the 14th/20th Hussars put away their tanks and began training for a dismounted role in Northern Ireland. In September 1978, the regiment..Read More

July 1

Back to Northern Ireland

  In April 1990, a reinforced B Squadron 14th/20th Hussars began training for a four month operational tour at The Maze Prison. The squadron left..Read More

August 2

In August 1990, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait

  The 14th/20th Hussars assisted 7th Armoured Brigade to deploy to Saudi Arabia on Operation GRANBY. On 2nd August 1990, Iraqi troops invaded their neighbour,..Read More

November 22

14th/20th Hussars prepared for deployment on Operation GRANBY

They rebuilt their tanks and took on more crewmen. On 22nd November 1990, the Commanding Officer, attending the Corps Commander’s Conference, was warned that 4th..Read More

December 20

14th/20th Hussars deployed to Saudi Arabia

Preparations included painting the tanks in desert colours and loading them onto ships in the German port of Emden. The tank crews flew out to..Read More

January 1

Royal Hussars tank crews deployed to Saudi Arabia in the First Gulf War

  Operation DESERT STORM was a coalition operation by 35 nations led by the United States, resulting from Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on 2nd August..Read More

February 1

14th/20th Hussars in the First Gulf War

The 14th/20th Hussars deployed as an all arms Battlegroup. No one part of the Armed Forces can fight in isolation from other arms. The 14th/20th..Read More

February 15

14th/20th Hussars revisited regimental history during the First Gulf War

They were reminded of their forebears who had fought in these deserts during the First and Second World Wars. They had also served in wars..Read More

February 24

The First Gulf War, Operations in Iraq

  The 14th/20th Hussars took part in the actions from 25th to 28th February 1991. After arriving in Concentration Area KEYS, 4th and 7th Armoured..Read More

February 28

A ceasefire and the end of operations in Iraq

  The First Gulf War lasted 100 hours. The BG moved over its Start Line at 0630 hrs to lead a Brigade attack on Objective..Read More

April 1

After the First Gulf War

  Troops trained and relaxed in Iraq after the ceasefire. There followed a period of regrouping and individual training. So many Iraqi T55 tanks full..Read More

December 4

The King’s Royal Hussars

The King’s Royal Hussars

  The King’s Royal Hussars was formed in 1992 by an amalgamation of The Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales’s Own) and the 14th/20th King’s Hussars…Read More

July 20

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Northern Ireland

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Northern Ireland

  The King’s Royal Hussars deployed as an infantry battalion in support of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.  Operation BANNER lasted from 1969 to 2007. The..Read More

January 1

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Bosnia, in former Yugoslavia

  The Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SFOR) was a NATO led multinational peacekeeping force after the Bosnia War. The Bosnia War lasted from..Read More

February 1

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Kosovo, in former Yugoslavia

  The Kosovo Force (KFOR) was a NATO led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Kosovo was facing a grave humanitarian crisis, with Serb military forces..Read More

June 24

The King’s Royal Hussars were presented with a guidon

  In 1999 the regiment moved back from Germany to England. The regiment moved from York Barracks, Münster to Aliwal Barracks, Tidworth on the edge..Read More

December 1

The King’s Royal Hussars returned to Northern Ireland

  The regiment operated in East Tyrone as part of Operation BANNER from December 2002 to June 2003. Regimental HQ, B and D Squadrons were..Read More

June 1

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Iraq

  The regiment was based in Al Amarah and North Basra. Operation TELIC was the codename under which all the UK’s military operations in Iraq..Read More

May 1

The King’s Royal Hussars returned to Iraq

  On their second operational tour in Iraq, the regiment were based in Maysan province and Basra Palace. The regiment were responsible for a number..Read More

September 1

B Squadron the King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Aghanistan

  B Squadron deployed to Afghanistan in September 2007 on Operation HERRICK, the codename under which all UK operations in Afghanistan were conducted from 2002…Read More

May 1

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Afghanistan

  The regiment deployed to Afghanistan from May to November 2012 on Operation HERRICK 16. Operation HERRICK was the codename under which all UK operations..Read More

January 1

The King’s Royal Hussars deployed to Estonia

  The regiment deployed to Estonia in Eastern Europe as an armoured battle group, equipped with Challenger 2 tanks. Operation CABRIT was the codename for..Read More